Thursday, April 18, 2013

Of Profiles with Swirly Hair, Demented Giraffes and Fish

First off, I am going to show some photos I took of snow as a pleasant reminder of our life before springtime... I think they're pretty pictures:)

And now for the art!
Yesterday was highly productive in the art area. 

Slightly odd man with a ring around him... coming out of his head. I think it was supposed to be Saturn!

Girl with swirly hair... drawn with charcoal. 

Demented giraffe
This is my brothers favorite!
Here are some sketches that inspired those previous pieces.

 I also started working on an acrylic of a face.

Here's a preliminary sketch
Here's what I'm working on!
 On this next sketch I have no comment. I just laughed my head off and called it good. They are pretty cute!

I am progressing on my face-less colored beings...

And on another note....
For those of you who know me, my fish have a tendency to die rather quickly. But this one has survived for over a week!!

His name is Poseidon...

He is soo cute!

Soooooo cute... 
Alright I'm done now.

1 comment:

  1. He's awesome!!!!
    i just hope he lives long enough that i can see him in person..... :D
