Saturday, February 23, 2013

Of Faces, Paintings, Dogs and Little Elf Things

I have been sick for a week or so, which means I had a ton of extra time for art in between naps. But I seem  to have that teenager trait of starting a bunch of new stuff before the old is done, so I have a lot of unfinished pieces waiting to be worked on. 

I thought starting this out with a very interesting picture of my self would be good...

I took this photograph at Monticello in Virginia. I just love it and thought it worthy of posting.
 Alright, now to the real art...

I am doing this one of my cousin in chalk. I am not completely pleased with the proportions of her face, but it's good practice.

I am falling in love with this one as I keep doing it. I can't wait to finish it!! It is definitely a challenge for me since I am a new painter though.

So I was like: Why am I throwing away all this leftover paint I have mixed? Obviously this problem warranted a solution, and my abstract painting "Palette Entrails" was born. I will add to it every time I paint.

I added the ears, belt and necklace to my King Dog. Should I add a crown?
 I would like to say before I go any further, I have the complete and utter intention of putting clothing on these little elf thingies. I just had to let the paint dry before I did so.

I have no idea where this came from in my head, I just pulled out a canvas and started painting. I think they are cute.

This is a very rough sketch of my dog, Daisy. She frequently moves, so this is one of three sketches I did of her; the others are unfinished due to her leaving the room. She was getting a bit uncomfortable with me sitting and staring at her.

This is a sketch I did for something I may do later. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Of Paintings, Dog Kings, and Chalk Drawings

I have been working very hard of several pieces of art, few of which are actually finished. 

Okay, so this is technically not art, but I drew on my nails with a nail pen and I thought it was cool.
 I finished the drawing I was doing of the little blue man. I used all the shapes I had drawn on the paper to come up with crazy creatures. I am actually quite proud of it!
It is titled "Visits to the Planet of my Brain"

This is an oil painting I am working on. I am using a picture I took of my cousin as a reference. 
So after I finished my "Visits to the Planet of my Brain" I had little to work on except paintings. But I often don't have more than a half an hour at a time to work on art, so paint is usually inconvenient during the school week. I was baffled at what to do, so I started looking through my old stuff for inspiration.
Very cute drawing from my childhood.

New drawing.
My mother and sister think it's freaky. I like it. 
It's a King Dog! Actually modeled after a stuffed animal of mine. I just added human features.
I am also working on a chalk pastel of my bedroom. But the last time I worked on it, I was covered from head to toe in black chalk dust. No joke. I had to take a shower and scrub myself. 

Here's the drawing

Here's a picture of my actual room. Artistic Liberties!!
A photo I took of my sister in the snow. I thought is was pretty.
This is an acrylic of myself I am working on. I am painting it from my reflection in the mirror.