Friday, December 21, 2012

Of Progress on "Forgery"

I haven't been working on this a ton, but here it is! She now has a chin.

Of Cards, Feet and Acrylics

I made these cards for my grandma for Christmas!

They kinda remind me of an Andy Warhol...

These cards I made out of different stamps. Starting from the top left, the stamps were lemons, potatoes, potatoes, lemon, paint roller, and the last one is potato and marshmallow.

I did these sketches of feet in a mirror

It's pretty messy but I think it is beautiful. I did this one last night in acrylic. I worked from a picture of my cousin.
I forgot to post this. It is just a random jumble of shapes I did.
This one I did in the car. I put the media I was using (crayon, pencil, oil pastel) and let the car bump my hand around for a very  long time. Highly entertaining.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Of Photography, Painting and um... um...

Because of the fact that I have been reading the 5th Harry Potter book, I have neglected to do my email, blog, chores and some school. I have been doing some art in my reading schedule though. I will start off by saying that I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving and took as many pictures as I did. As much as I am sure you all would love seeing the numerous photos I have taken, I will not torture you. Here are some of the ones I like. (Photography is art!) 

This would be the back of my brothers head. His hair is so spiky I just had to take pictures. In reality, I took about 10. I will only show you one.

Sun over a rock at Dorsey's Knob, WV.

If anyone other than me has wondered what the end of a slide is like, look no further. I took this just as I was rocketing off the end of one.

Graffiti star on a rock
 OK... I will admit it. If I don't know what to post or I don't have a lot of drawings, I will post random pictures I have taken. It's kinda fun though. I will post my actual paintings and drawings now.

Here is the still life I am doing for my art class. The only thing that is done is the apple, I am still working.

My progression on 'Forgery'

Cloooose up!

This is the picture that the part of the post title 'um... um...' refers to. I drew them this morning after my math lesson.        
If you would like to know what they are I have no idea, go ask someone else.