Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Of Clay, Kool Aid, Flags, Art, Art Lessons, Paintings and Mushrooms

Okay. First off, I will say I have the bad habit of not updating or using my Internet uses often. Unless, of course, it is Pinterest, which I am on too much for my own good. Haven't been too busy with art, but here's what I have done. We found all this clay, and it was irresistible.

A hand

Another Hand

Yet another hand.
 Ha ha. You probably were under the illusion I sculpted those. Never mind my skills with pencil, clay is not my strong point. Umm... my friends covered their hands in clay and positioned them. Pretty funny though. I never said I sculpted them.

Here's my brothers bowl he made.

Here is mine. It is entitled 'Mortality'. 

It depicts a person who has just taken a needle to the heart. The side covered in clay represents life, the wire showing death, and the wing, heaven. I liked it.  
 But uh, funny story about that one too. I told my mom before I made it that I was making a person. Knowing me and my art, she asked "Is he going to be dead?" Joking of course. Little did I know that it would actually turn out that way. (seldom do I start a piece of art and it actually turns out how it was going to be originally.) I was like, "Is my mom perceptive, scary or does she just know me too well..."

My mom gave me this flag and I love it...

We went to the art museum and I did a parody of Burgoyne Diller's Untitled No. 21. Added a face, birds and a letter... 

I gave my brother an art lesson. He wanted to do Captain America, and this is mine.

This is his. It is so adorable. He is 7. 

A still life/modern art painting. That's an apple not a tomato. 

This should probably be up with the clay stuff, but this is something my sister made. She squished the clay in her hands and pronounced it modern art. I spray painted it silver for her. 

I Kool Aid dyed my hair red. I like it allot. My recipe is 3 cups of water heated in the microwave 1 to 2 minutes. Add the color you want, minimum 3 packs of unsweetened Kool Aid. Let your hair sit in it for 10 minutes then without wringing it out wrap it in plastic wrap or tin foil and put in shower cap. Let sit one hour, rinse!

Life would not be complete without mushrooms, and neither would this blog post. I love mushrooms, if you didn't know. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Of It's Been Much Too Long Since I Last Posted

Yes, I know, I haven't posted in a long time. But I have an excuse! I was on a missions trip with no computer for a week. That doesn't cover before hand though, that was just me being lazy. I have a lot of catching up to do. 

I made some more pancakes. Here is a heart. A real one that is. 

Here is a pancake face.

This is a regular, unsuspecting book. 

Here he is again after I cut him up with an ex-acto knife and glued him into a box. Had no idea what was coming for him.

Here is the yard after me and my friends were done spray painting. The pictures we made are below.
I am sorry it is sideways. This is my spray paint picture. Upon seeing it, my mom asked if I needed counseling. Again. I think she is kidding though. :) The problem was I only had five colors:  Red, black, white, cream and maroon. So it was destined to look dark before I started. Then of course being myself I had to add a heart... and hands... and crows... Then everything just went crazy. Oops. 

Another spray paint heart.

Here is my friends better usage of our limited color scheme. It's so cool...

And my others friend's. I love theirs a lot... 

I finished my drawing. So far the reactions I have gotten have been "How did you print a photograph into your notebook?" "Will you give me drawing lessons!!????" "DID YOU ACTUALLY DRAW THIS!!??" accompanied by screaming. I think they were over-reacting, but I am pretty proud of myself. 

Clooooooseee up....

Here is Opus the penguin. Apologies to the author of Bloom County comics. This is in oil pastel.