Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Of Christmas Gifts, the Backs of Heads and Blue Creatures

Now that Christmas is over, I can finally post some of the things I made but didn't dare post online in case they were discovered!

I made this for my aunt and uncle by mod-podging music paper onto canvases and then using acrylics to paint the silhouette. 

The color in this picture is really bad, but this is what I did for my sister. I drew her and her guitar in chalk pastel.
The pencils are AMAZING!!!

I did this one with the chalk pencils... obviously an eye.
I am still working on this one. It appears to be a blue distorted man, but who can really tell? I used light coming in from a window to draw shadows of my hands in odd positions on my paper ( the brown lines in the background) and I am using them to create odd creatures. 

This is a sketch I did of the back of my dad's head. I was in the car with a blank sheet of paper and chalk pencils. So I drew the first thing I saw. :)

Here is a drawing I have been working on for a while. It is me and a friend of mine. I think it is coming along well if not quickly.

My grandma got me a new light switch cover that I found very pretty. So I am posting it. ( I like to state the obvious.)

I forgot to post this sculpture I did. If any of you normal people out there have no idea what it is, he is in fact a man with a heart growing out of his head (hence the veins and arteries). 
 Anyway, I took some good pictures. 

My cousin and brother looking out of the window at the snow.

My sister at a grand piano. I thought the lighting was beautiful. 

1 comment:

  1. I love them all!!!!!!
    (except for maybe the sculpture...that's a little weird Ineke! But hey, do what you want)
    Ana looks so pretty at the piano.
